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About Hope Alive


Many people find the video powerful and they are moved by the message of Lyn Varty; she pioneered Hope Alive Group Therapy in Perth back in 2009 and now managing Hope Alive Australia and New Zealand. 


Sharing here the video transcript. May the words help us reflect on restoring and transforming our lives.


“A counselee handed a pack of colored pencils to the counsellor and said, “my life is full of many shades of gray and black and now I have color back in my life…”


Due to childhood abuse and neglect, and unresolved pregnancy loses such as miscarriage, perinatal death, still birth, abortion, IVF… our lives can never be the same.


Just like a broken-down old clock, it can never be brand new but it can be restored.


For some people, they are tormented so much; they gave up hope and have suicidal thoughts, broken relationships, depression, anxiety, everyday stresses can be too much.


Just like a clock being restored, putting the pieces back together can be difficult and it does take time. Yet for those that take the journey of putting their lives back together piece by piece, they begin to understand and make sense of their lives and in the process gathering skills and tools necessary for life.


However, when we face and grapple the deep recesses of our hearts… the pain, the hurt, the guilt, the grief, the rejection… we come to a realization that we have blemishes and scars, strengths and weaknesses, that we are unique and we are lovable.


Then we can walk in authenticity, maturity, and intimate stronger relationships.


Is it time for you to take the step to be restored and transformed?"

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